Sunday, January 21, 2007

Adoption Update

Hi Everyone,
Yesterday we went to a Waiting Families meeting with Bethany for China Adoptions. The speaker was a mom and her family that came home with their daugther from China in November. She shared about her experience, shared pictures and we got to meet her daughter. The meeting was encouraging and very insightful. We learned more of what to expect when we go and it encouraged us that we will really have our daugther someday. The trends right now in China is for the babies to be on the younger side - under a year, usually about 8 to 10 months old. This is exciting to us for we have really been hoping that she would be under a year old. And it looks like the current wait time is 15 to 17 months from LID so we should get our referral in the summer if this continues. It is still soooo long to wait but at least we should be bringing her home in 2007.
A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark.
Chinese Proverb


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