Friday, October 19, 2007

An Answered Prayer

We have an awesome God!!!! Yesterday we received a check in the mail that covers the rest of the main adoption expenses so NO MORE FUNDRAISING!!!! YAY!!! You can't see me now but I am jumping up and down for joy. We have been fundraising for 2 years and 5 months so I am very thankful for this part of the adoption process to be completed. We do still have some adoption expenses we will have to pay that may come up, but the bulk of it is taken care of and what is left we feel we can handle without doing any more fundraising. Thank you to everyone who has helped us make it to to this place, for the donations, prayer, and support. THANKS!!! Now we wait.......and wait..... and bring home Kiana. The wait is hard but I know that God's timing is perfect and that once we have Kiana in our arms we will be thankful that God made us wait for Him because otherwise the little girl wouldn't have been the one God has waiting for us. Please continue to pray for the waiting process and for our precious Kiana.

So again to all who have helped us with the fundraising THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU


(those who are not subscribed to our adoption blog please take time to check it out, once we go to China we may not be sending emails out too, just posting on our blog, plus thats where you will also be able to see pictures of us with Kiana when we are over there, Thanks)
"Be assured that if God waits longer then you could wish, it is only to make the blessing doubly precious. " Andrew Murray

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