Friday, September 23, 2011


I really like that term - soul.break. I gleaned it from a blog by Adam Feldman (check it out here) and I recommend you take some time to read what he has to say on the topic of solitude. Much more articulate than something I'd write!

So I'm starting to get the itch to take another soul.break. My nephew was over tonight to watch a movie and he mentioned that he recently read my blog posts covering my first solitude trip in May 2010. That got me reminiscent, so I just went back and read those posts myself. I'm so glad I journaled that trip, and I hope it's encouraged others to consider the spiritual discipline of solitude. It is a very worthwhile endeavor.

Thanks, Joe, for the talk. And thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings. It means a lot to me!

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