Friday, September 30, 2011

What's so great about heaven?

What is your vision of heaven? Maybe you picture people walking on streets of gold, singing nonstop worship to God. Maybe everybody's wearing pure white robes - or maybe everybody's wearing nothing!? If it's the robes, where's the fun in that? If it's the lack of robes, let's just say I'll be spending all my time in my mansion! Are we floating around, passing through walls? Do we remember our current lives? Is there much to do besides these things? If no, won't it get kind of boring? And what about my wife and children? I shudder at the thought of not being bonded together in the life to come!

To be honest, I've always reasoned it out to myself that it's too mysterious to really comprehend. That God has it figured out and I just have to trust that He has made it better than I could ever imagine. However, though I reasoned that out in my head and I still believe those statements, I've come to the realization that the Bible is full of descriptions of heaven, and while still mysterious, there is much we can know!

This new perspective came from listening to the book "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn, and I have to say that it got me excited! I finally have a mental image of heaven and the new earth that is really appealing. It's not my purpose here to recap the book, but I do want to recommend it. Randy addresses almost every question about heaven you can think of (even whether or not we'll drink coffee in heaven!).

I was surprised to find that my faith and enthusiasm as a Christian has been bolstered by this new understanding of heaven. I hope you understand the reality of heaven and the new earth. How great our hope in eternity truly is as followers of Jesus the Christ!

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