Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Our first full day with Kiana (Xiu Huayin - pronounced Shoo Hwa-yeen, aka, yin-yin) has been great! Kiana got her first bath and liked it for the most part. We were so fortunate to be able to talk with friends and family back home (via Skype for some and by phone with others). The capabilities of communication over such distances is mind boggling!

Today was actually the day Kiana became legally ours. We went back to the adoption office and were sworn in as her legal parents. Here we are swearing that we love her and will never abandon nor abuse her - in good or difficult times.

After making the pledge, Sheryl, Brian, and Kiana were all fingerprinted (with red ink, of course) on the official documents. We were then given a certificate of adoption, displayed here.

After some time in the hotel room this afternoon, we ventured out to a nearby shopping mall where we had dinner and bought a pink Peter Rabbit hat for Kiana (which was more challenging than it sounds - nobody speaks much English in these parts!). We went to the nearby grocery store for diapers and baby food (she's not eating as much as she should, so we're trying alternative foods to find something she'll really take to).

Later this evening we walked a block from the hotel to introduce her to the most important family tradition.

And finally came back to the hotel. Sheryl walked her around the hotel coridors until she (Kiana) fell asleep. Then brought her back into the room and snuggled with her a bit.

The difference we see in Kiana is night and day from yesterday. She's getting playful and interacting tons more. There's been no sign of her reaching for others nearby (which would be a significant sign of bonding issues). She definitely knows she belongs with us and likes it. There's also no sign of a preference for either one of us.

Tomorrow is a totally free day, and we're looking forward to it!


Anonymous said...

Hello... Our daughter is also from Chongqing. She was 9 months old, from Qian Jiang... She was already eating regular food (cut in tiny bits, she did not want baby food), all the babies, from our group, liked very warm milk and bathing in luke-hot water.. Enjoy you stay in Chongqing...

Livan from Montreal

rw said...

What wonderful photos!! Thank you for sharing! Can't wait to see you all when you get home! Love you all - K,R&S

rw said...

What wonderful photos!! Thank you for sharing. Can't wait until you're all home!!!

Tara said...

What beautiful pictures! It is so cute how she's waving in the one picture. She's adorable, and looks so happy with you two!

junglemama said...

Just precious! COngrats on your new daughter Brian and Sheryl. We just got back with our son from Ukraine. Blessings!