Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Brian's Solitude - Part 1 - Preface

I recently retreated into the mountains for 3 nights for some time of solitude. I journalled during that time and will be posting my journal here in segments (so as not to overwhelm :) ).

I have to confess, I’ve been looking forward to this weekend of solitude for weeks now. I’m a very focused person, which is a trait that lends itself greatly to me being successful in my profession. However, it can also lead to restlessness, fatigue, and neglect on many different levels. The time comes when I realize I just need a break from the norm – a time to contemplate this short life I have and what I’m doing with it. A time to commune with the Creator, my Savior, to ask the questions I never think to ask, and to be able to wait and listen for an answer. It’s a time to refresh and to grow. And what I’ve recently learned, it’s a Biblical spiritual discipline that, as I understand it, is something God desires of us. It makes sense. After all, consider how many times Jesus retreated to a quite place to commune with his Father? As Christians, are we not co-heirs with Christ, and is God not our Father? If I am to mimic Christ, then I can only conclude that God would want me as well to escape to a quiet place and be with Him, alone. Granted, this doesn't necessarily mean a weekend retreat - it could mean a quiet lunch alone in the park, or a drive to work without the radio on, etc. But I've found great value in setting aside several days for the purpose of solitude with Christ and try to make it happen at least twice a year.

I must confess, I don’t see myself being very “disciplined” by taking time for solitude – I welcome the opportunity! I’m a bit of a loner – anti-social – and therefore enjoy having time alone. I’ll always miss my family when away – that part is difficult – but I can’t deny that I get great enjoyment building a campfire, sleeping under the stars, peace and quiet all around, surrounded by God’s creation. I love it!

So with that preface, let me describe my experience, and hopefully share some things God is teaching me through this experience.


My excitement about this trip led me to concoct an elaborate menu. Every meal has been planned and prepared ahead of time. From chicken parmesan to strawberry crepes! I think next time I’ll just have sandwiches and raw fruits and veggies, but it should be a fun experience this time around anyway.

I’ve also built a solar cooker in which I’ll be preparing several meals this weekend. I’m looking forward to testing it out. I brought hotdogs as backup :).

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