I've been enjoying a relaxing evening at Starbucks with Sheryl & Kiana, but my coffee turned sour when I followed a facebook invitation to join a cause. The cause is to stop Chinese fur farms, and I made the mistake of watching a graphic video of the actual process. I can't get the images out of my head. I can't believe the cruelty being inflicted on these terrified animals!
I'm not one to promote causes liberally, but this practice must be stopped. When you see the raccoon dog, strung up, half skinned, and frantically snapping at its abusers, you can't help but seethe inside! The video then cuts to the dazed, dying, fully skinned animal, discarded on a pile of others. I couldn't watch anymore, and don't recommend you watch the video. My description is hopefully more than enough to well up passion in you against this practice!
If you didn't get a cause invitation from me on facebook, please join the cause using this link: http://www.causes.com/causes/307463?m=eb7a7bc2
I can only hope those disturbing images one day fade from memory, while the passion remains.
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