Life has been keeping us so busy that I haven't been posting much on here, I hope to change that though starting now. I will give you a brief update on some of the happenings in the past several months.
In August Kiana had her 2nd Birthday. She had a Kailan party and she loved it. She loves parties because that usually means chocolate cake :)

In the summer and fall we took a Mommy and Me Little Gym class. It was really good for Kiana. She learned a lot of large motor skills, how to take turns, listening to a teacher and being in a classroom setting with other children her age. We plan to go back again this summer and she is always talking about it.

In the summer we got to go to Disneyworld and Universal in Florida with my brother Drew for a week. We had free miles saved up for China that we didn't end up being allowed to use for it so we got a free flight to Florida. It was a great vacation. I loved sharing it with Kiana and we all want to go again someday. My favorite part was seeing the Harry Potter area in Universal. The lines were the most extreme I have ever seen but I so would do it again, so worth it.The ride through the castle was amazing even though me and Drew got stuck for awhile with a Dragon breathing on us. We also were able to go to Disneyland during the holidays because we had free tickets from Give a Day Get a Day. I wish they would do that again. My favorite time of year to go to Disneyland is during the holidays.

Our second Christmas together as a family was a lot of fun. Now that Kiana is older we got to really start creating some fun holiday traditions. We made our first Christmas cookies this year and I think more flour ended up on us and the floor then in the cookies. We also saw many Christmas lights, walking is the best way to see them. Kiana enjoyed learning the true meaning of Christmas, about Baby Jesus but she also enjoyed meeting Santa Claus. Christmas wasn't all happy though this year, a dear and close friend I found out passed away and I got the news thru a Christmas card. We had our love of dogs especially Westies that we shared and I miss her so much.

For New Year's we had a fun game night with friends, its a great way to bring in the new year. This year we are in the process of a domestic adoption. All the paperwork is complete and we are just waiting to be matched. It could be any day or two years from now. We are again paper pregnant :)
It's been a great year! We've had so much fun spending time with you guys! :)
It has been a great year, and we have had so much fun with you guys too :)
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